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Reference order (first 8, current)
- P. Abbott, G. Keady, S. Tyler, "Euler's disk: examples used in engineering and applied mathematics teaching," ANZIAM, J. 51 (EMAC2009) p.C360-C376, Jun., 08, 2010.
- R.I. Leine, "Experimental and theoretical investigation of the energy dissipation of a rolling disk during its final stage of motion," Arch Appl. Mech., DOI 10.1007/s00419-008-0278-6, Dec., 12, 2008.
- V.A. Diaz, H. Cendra, "The Lagrange-D'Alembert-Poincare Equations and Integrability for the Euler's Disk," Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 12 (1), p.56-67, 2007.
- M. Batista, "Integrability of the motion of a rolling disk of finite thickness on a rough plane," International Journal of
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- M. Saje and D. Zupan, "The Rattling of Euler's Disk," Multidiscipline Modeling
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- R. Villanueva, M. Epstein, "Vibrations of Euler's Disk," Phys. Rev. E71, 066609, 2005.
- C. Le Saux, R.I. Leine, and C. Glocker "Dynamics of a Rolling Disk in the Presence of Dry Friction," J. Nonlinear Sci., Vol. 15, p. 27-61, 2005.
- H. Caps, S. Dorbolo, S. Ponte, H. Croisier, and N. Vandewalle, "Rolling and slipping motion of Euler's disk," Physical Review, E 69, 056610 (6), 2004.
- Euler's Disk simulation (.exe) by Milan Batista, University of Ljubljana, Solvenia - related to the work "The Ringing of Euler's Disk" from UCB (see Kessler below).
- D. O. Harris, "Ring Puckering in Five-Membered Rings," UCSB, Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 50, No.6, p.2438, 3/15/1969.
- M. Olsson, American Journal of Physics, Vol. 40, p. 1543, 1972.
- F. Guterl, "Play Things of Science," Discover Magazine, 12/96 (available when requesting notes from the inventor).
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- Nature (Journal), science section, 4/25/00.
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- Lars Bildsten, "Viscous Dissipation for Euler's Disk," Physical Review E, Vol. 66 (5 Pt 2), 056309, Epub., 11/25/2002.
- A and K McDonald, "The Rolling Motion of a Disk on a Horizontal Plane."
- A. Ruina, "Rolling and Sliding of spinning things: Euler's Disk, Jellett's Egg and Moffatt's Nature," 05/08/2002, Cornell.
- P. Kessler, O.M. O'Reilly, "The Ringing of Euler's Disk," Reg. Chaot. Dyn., 7(1), p. 49-60, 2002.
- D. Petrie, J. Hunt, and C. Gray, "Does the Euler('s) Disk slip during its motion," American Journal of Physics,
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- K. Easwar, F. Rouyer, and N. Menon, "Speeding to a stop: The finite-time of a spinning disk," Physical Review, E 66, 045102(R), 2002, The American Physical Society.